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TSF’s Human Collective Project Meetings

Virtual: United States , United States

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

HCP South Africa

Virtual: South Africa , South Africa

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

Double sero-negative NMOSD

Virtual: Global

Do you or your loved one continue to test negative for the AQP4 and MOG antibodies? You are not alone!   You're invited to attend "Double sero-negative NMOSD" on Friday, […]

TSF’s Human Collective Project | Global Meetings

Virtual: United States , United States

We’re excited to bring NMOSD/MOGAD patients + caregivers from around the globe together another global support group meeting! These meetings are a safe space led by the community for the community. No judgment, only love & support. (This meeting will be conducted in English) The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered […]

HCP Italia

Virtual: Italy , Italy

The Human Collective Project (HCP) è l'incontro del gruppo di supporto di TSF offerto a chiunque sia stato colpito/colpito da NMOSD/MOGAD. Il programma è nato durante il culmine della pandemia […]

TSF’s Human Collective Project | Danmark

Virtual: Danmark , Denmark

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 […]

TSF’s Human Collective Project Meetings

Virtual: United States , United States

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

TSF Plauderstunde | HCP Germany

Virtual: Germany , Germany

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meetings offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 […]

Le Projet Collectif Humain

Virtual: France , France

The Human Collective Project (HCP) est la réunion du groupe de soutien de TSF offerte à toute personne affectée par la NMOSD ou la MOGAD. Le programme a vu le jour au plus fort de la pandémie de COVID-19 en 2020, lorsque la plupart des patients NMOSD/MOGAD se sentaient particulièrement isolés et vulnérables au coronavirus […]

Sports Pour Tous

Virtual: France , France

Rejoignez-nous pour des échanges sur le sport adapté avec Mathieu Jousse, sportif et professionnel en sports adaptés et Emmanuel Rouchaussée,mal voyant profond et sportif amateur en sports adaptés , autour […]

Trial clinici per i pazienti con MOGAD ed importanza della partecipazione dei pazienti

Virtual: Italy , Italy

Partecipa al nostro prossimo Webinar dal titolo: MOGAD: importanza della partecipazione dei pazienti ai trial clinici - martedì 27 giugno alle 17.00 con la dr.ssa Sara Mariotto, neurologa presso l'Università di Verona. La dr.ssa Mariotto presenterà le ultime novità in merito ai trial clinici in corso in Italia per i pazienti con MOGAD. Discuteremo l'importanza […]

HCP South Africa

Virtual: South Africa , South Africa

The Human Collective Project (HCP) is TSF’s support group meeting offered to anyone who has been affected/impacted by NMOSD/MOGAD. The program came into existence during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when most NMOSD/MOGAD felt particularly isolated and vulnerable to the coronavirus as immunosuppressed/immunocompromised members of society. The isolation many of us experienced […]

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